NOTE:  While doing research for an upcoming editorial, I came across some information in a book by David Childress, called "Technology of The Gods," that many people have related before;  something that heavily substantiated what I have suspected for several decades -- that the civilizations of the world had not progressed from stone-age man to the highly technological level that exists today in a straight upward line, but rather had experienced many ups and downs, "peaks and valleys" so to speak; a building up and tearing down of societies around the world, due to things such as ice ages and epochs, plate tectonics, vulcanism, asteroid strikes... and high-tech warfare.

The following paragraph was first published in The New York Herald Tribune in 1947, shortly after intense heating generated by the first testing of the "newly" invented atomic bomb in New Mexico had vitrified (i.e., converted into a glassy substance by heat and fusion) the desert sand, fusing it into a sheet of green glass.  Here it is again, reprinted without permission:

When the first atomic bomb exploded in New Mexico, the desert sand turned to fused green glass.  This fact, according to the magazine Free World, has given certain archaeologists a turn.  They have been digging in the ancient Eurphrates Valley and have uncovered a layer of agrarian culture 8,000 years old, and a layer of herdsman culture much older, and a still older caveman culture.  Recently they had reached another layer... of fused green glass.  Think it over, brother.


a-bomb-d-5 (292K)


A Few Quick Questions,
Before Proceeding Onward

Would you trust this man?

Would you buy anything from this man?

Would you listen to anything this man says?

If you did listen, would you believe anything this man said?

If you did believe anything this man said, would you follow this man?

If you did follow this man, would you vote for this man?

If you did vote for this man, would you... 

hey, wait a minute now, vote for what?  Where is all this leading to?  And just who the hell is this man, anyway?
ct-bt9 (134K) ct-bt10 (141K) ct-bt12 (139K) ct-bt13 (135K) ct-bt3 (132K) ct-bt2 (137K)

Ok, now let's proceed onwards to...

Earth-Sat-F (519K)

(Charles vs.)


Hello, and welcome to another World Page!  That's right folks, more invaluable free advice from that world-infamous, worldly (totally!) and perceptive social and political analyst, sometimes known as Chucky boy, aka Fat Charly, sometimes called Fat Dummy (by insensitive cads), and hereinafter throughout simply referred to as Charles

For those new to this website, a little word of warning:  Charles is a straight-shooter.  He draws fast, shoots from the hip, asks questions later, and then exits stage up, leaving others to clean up the bloody mess.  As far as Charles is concerned, if you don't like it you can just lump it, brother!  The best and safest thing you can do is just sit back and take notes, fast little scribbles, that you might study them later and learn something useful.  And always remember this little truism:  Fortune favors the bold!!  Wisdom?  You'll find plenty of it here.  Benediction?  That you'll also reap and plenty, freely given!  Hubris?  Uh... yeah.

We're going to open up some cans of worms here, that may turn into buckets of snakes!  We're going to invoke the First Amendment, we're going to use the Freedom of Information Act, we're going to pierce corporate veils, we're going to drag some big names through the mud and slime, we're gonna'... um, wait a sec.  That kind of stuff costs money... hmmm...

Alright then, forget all of the above; however, I always say that when all (expensive) evidentiary recourses fail, one can always resort to one's own powers of inference, applying one's own home-made syllogisms!

Huh?  Wot?

Ok, ok, here's a quick definition of inference: 

INFERENCE:  The act or process of inferring, i.e.:  the act of passing from one proposition, statement, or judgment considered as true to another whose truth is believed to follow from that of the former;  OR TRY THIS ONE:  the act of passing from statistical sample data to generalizations, usually with calculated degrees of certainty.

Great!  Now here's a quick definition of syllogism: 

SYLLOGISM:  A deductive scheme of a formal argument consisting of a major and a minor premise, and a conclusion (as in "every dog has his day;  day is not night;  therefore, dogs are not nocturnal."). 

Italy-2F-t (380K) Simple, right?  Well then!  Using the above-mentioned powers, let us proceed now to explore and solve the problems of... The World!  As you all know, there are a lot of us life forms here; human beings (like Charles), humanoids (you know, the corporate-rocker geeks), sub-humans (evil international financiers, entertainment industry moguls), animals (i.e., Special Ops snipers, corporate mercenary billionaires' bodyguards, people who invent "Bouncing Betty" landmines, spotted hyenas, etc.) and insects (think mosquitos, spiders, "Dreamworks" actors, etc.) of every size, shape and color; also plants, bacteria,, the scope and complexity of this subject just blows all of our minds, if we stop to think about The World in its entirety.  Therefore, most of us don't think about it... but Charles does!  And now Charles, who truly wants to help every single last one of us find peace, enlightenment and happiness, even if that means some of us won't be as happy as they wanna' be (i.e., the Satanists), is about to embark on a project of mind-boggling goodness, the ultimate objective being to save the entire planet from:  1)  imminent extinction; 2)  moral decay; 3)  economic ruin leading to social disaster; and 4), er, I forgot what number four was, no matter; it will come back to me in a few.  Calm down, don't have a cow, it's no biggie; Charles knows what he's doing.  But before we proceed any further, let me ask you just a few more quick, pertinent questions, if you don't mind.

1.   What does the fact that a dumb, dirty, drooling little doggie's reason for existence is to chase a cool, calm, collected cat up a tree have to do with the fact that U.S. military spending for 2020 is estimated to be greater than the next TEN largest government expenditures combined?  NOTE: $989 billion of the $1.10 trillion 2020 U.S. federal budget deficit (deficit is annual spending minus revenue -- sort of) is for "defense."

Hmmm... that question sounds kind of weird.  Ok, alright then... let's try another. 

1.   What does the fact that an obsessively homophobic blowhard's raison d'etre is to make a homosexual's life miserable have to do with the fact that as of a November 2019 accounting, federal debt held by the public was $17.26 trillion and intragovernmental holdings were $5.9 trillion, making for a total national debt of $23.16 trillion?

Hmmm... that one sounds kind of cabalistically oblique, too... ok then, how about this one:

1.   What does the existence of entities such as the Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the New York Stock Exchange, Euronext, Google, Amazon, Youtube, Facebook, Dreamworks, Disney, etc., have to do with the fact that Charles can't even enter a store anymore to buy food, clothing, computer supplies, etc., for fear of becoming violently ill due to the disgusting music he is being forced to listen to by aforesaid store?

Hmmm... that sounds a little obscure, too; let me try again. 

1.   Would you agree to sell your soul to Satan, if he promised to protect you from a great blonde beast (my apologies to Friedrich Nietzsche) who enjoys picking fights with smaller, weaker people?  You know, that dumb asshole with the alarmingly high aggression-to-intelligence ratio who keeps bullying you at school or work, even though you've never done anything to him?

Ok, now... just hold it there a second.  What's this World Page all about, here?  Where the hell is Charles going with all of these weird, cryptic questions?  Glad you asked!  Now before you click your mouse (or cell phone link) and get the hell out of here, I'm about to tie this whole thing together and attempt once again to inform you of the dangerous cultural disease that has surreptitiously been manifesting itself in this country, and other countries too, over the last several decades.  This disease is about to completely change and quite possibly eradicate life as we have come to know it... or, to put it more accurately, used to know it.  Actually, that's assuming you were born at least sixty years ago.  My, how things change.

So let's go!  But, um... before we start, please consider the following pertinent items: 

ITEM:  January 2020:  The POTUS orders the killing of the powerful commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps, one Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, in a drone strike on the Baghdad International Airport, days after U.S. forces bombed three sites of the Khataib Hezbollah militia in western Iraq and two more sites in Syria.  According to the now-more-trustworthy-than-ever United States media, Kataib Hezbollah fired 31 rockets into a base in Kirkuk province the week before without provocation... killing an obviously very well-placed American contractor and wounding several less important (I suppose) U.S. and Iraqi servicemen, forcing the U.S. to respond.  Khataib Hezbollah denies involvement in the attack in Kirkuk.  The POTUS used some suspiciously drafted legislative powers giving him authority to use force against anyone "he" determines planned, committed, authorized or aided the terrorist attacks of September  11th!  Oh, my...

According to our very credible Pentagon, Soleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region, for unfathomably strange reasons known only to those terrorist Bad Guys.  Per the Pentagon, it was "Soleimani and his Quds Force who were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American and coalition service members and the wounding of thousands more" during the (illegal) Iraq War and other hostile Iranian activities throughout the Middle East.  Gee, I wonder why those Terrorists Bad Guys are so hostile?  I don't know; I only know that we didn't start the hostilities that caused all those deaths and woundings, nooo...  the "bad guys" started it, not u.s! And after all, didn't we warn them not to fight u.s.?  I seem to remember reading quotes such as:  “The United States will continue to take all necessary action to protect our people and our(?) interests, wherever they are around the world."  And also this:  "Our soldiers will beat these enemy combatants to death with their trench-digging shovels if they won't surrender.  We will make it clear... surrender or face the awesome wrath of the U.S.!"  As Defense Secretary Mark Esper plainly stated:  “If we get word of attacks, we will take preemptive action... to protect American forces, protect American lives... the game has changed.”  Oh, really?  Thanks for protecting us, Mark... but it sure sounds a lot like the same old "preemptive" game to me. However, just to be fair, I should add that there is a positive side to all of this killing... for knowledgable "insider" stock traders, that is.  All of this violence, murder and mayhem prompted the media to start screaming about the imminent start of World War Three, which beneficially affected "insider trading" on the stock market, as rumors of war will benefit those with "insider" knowledge about when and what to buy and sell.  Forbes Magazine (my favorite read) is urging its subscribers to stay tuned, as they will be advising on how best to profit from all this warfare; Forbes' Clem Chambers, speculating on bitcoin prices, called the murder "a gift to skilled traders," giving Forbes readers a three-hour warning to buy.  Chambers:  "There's still plenty of time to get your trade on in response to the news!"  Thank you Clem.  Here's another helpful quote from Clem Chambers:  "When war in the middle east is on the rise, bitcoin is the place to be!"  Just remember this tip from FORBES, folks:  you can always "stay informed and ahead of the crowd with FORBES Crypto Confidential!"

How kind of Forbes!  Now all those "in the know" financial-wizard guys can make some big money off of all this bloodshed and gore (albeit at the expense of a lot of innocent lives) and man, they deserve to, don't you think?  I mean hell, they're not like dumb old Charles, who saves his "schmuck money" in an old sock under his mattress, no siree!  These guys are smart, boy, and we should all of us strive to be more like them.  To that end, here's some useful figures:  oil prices jumped by about 3% the Friday morning following the killing of Soleimani.  And the dollar rallied, too!  So did gold and oil prices!  Safe-haven assets such as gold, Swiss francs and Japanese yen saw increases as investors braced for heightened tension in the Middle East!  Futures contracts for Brent Crude oil were recently fetching $68.75 a barrel, up 3.8% from the close.  Gold futures were changing hands for $1,549 a troy ounce, up 1.4%, according to Bloomberg (my other favorite read) data!  However, futures for major U.S. stock indexes were down around 1% in premarket trading, which is a bummer, I guess... hell, I wouldn't know, I'm a schmuck!  But maybe you're not; it may be time to score big, if you're smart and you know what you're doing!

In a statement published early on the Friday following the killing of Soleimani, Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei promised that "vigorous vengeance awaits those whose hands are tainted with his (Soleimani's) blood."  According to Forbes Magazine, that's just great!  Since the scope and nature of that "vigorous vengeance" will likely play a significant role in determining the direction of crude prices in the near future!  But note, however:  the U.S. issued a travel warning insisting all Americans in Iraq evacuate immediately.  Don't worry about that too much though, because crude prices have displayed remarkable stability!  Oil, oil, and more oil, oh boy!  Hey, could that be why some of these guys with big vested oil-interests are so opposed to the green revolution, i.e., solar and wind power, which would greatly reduce reliance on fossil fuels and reduce the carbon footprint and other polluting factors that are supposedly leading us to a quick and tidy extinction?  Nah, couldn't be.  And to those of you who might start thinking that maybe all of this warfare is deliberately contrived so that speculators can make huge profits from "insider trading"... boy, are you stupid!  According to the guys at Forbes, that is.

atom-b-d-1 (121K) ITEM:  January 5, 2020 - While reading prepared remarks in Hebrew about a forthcoming contentious, potentially trouble-causing deal between Israel, Greece and Cyprus for a huge pipeline project to ship gas from the eastern Mediterranean to Europe, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calls Israel a “nuclear power,” before correcting himself to say energy power:  “We are transforming Israel into a nuclear power...  er, energy power,” said Netanyahu, with an embarrased smile.  The snide remark comes at a time of increasing tensions between Israel's staunchest ally (that means u.s., guys) and its "arch-foe" Iran, after the POTUS ordered the devious airstrike which killed Iranian General Qassem Soleimani and others in Iraq.  Israel has never acknowledged possessing nuclear weapons, preferring to mumble something about its policy of “strategic ambiguity."  Foreign reports, however, have put the size of Israel’s arsenal in the dozens to hundreds of nuclear weapons.  At that same meeting Netanyahu also discussed the targeted assassination of Soleimani, saying that U.S. President Donald Trump was “worthy of all appreciation” for ordering the killing, since Soleimani initiated terror attacks in the Middle East and beyond, for unknown reasons.  Netanyahu:  "Israel stands behind the United States in its just fight for self-defense."  NOTE:  Israel has steadfastly refused to sign the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, which aims to further the goal of nuclear disarmament, in spite of international pressure and condemnation.

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Hmmm... it sounds like Charles is getting a bit sarcastically cynical again; he'd better put things in context before he gets himself in big trouble, man.  Ok, let's backtrack a little bit; actually, let's backtrack a mucho bit, way back to...

ITEM:  September 11, 2001  - two allegedly hijacked passenger jetliners are flown into two skyscrapers, which somehow results in the total disintegration of three skyscapers, with thousands of horrible fatalities and injuries.  The reasons the two struck skyscrapers collapsed at free-fall velocity through steel columns into their own footprints instead of toppling over, like the laws of physics say they're supposed to do, is never explained by our very credible media, which also develops sudden amnesia regarding the similar collapse of the third tower, which didn't even require a plane impact to fall.  Our media does inform us, however, that the two towers were destroyed by a Muslim "terrorist," and so "now it's our turn!" to attack several Muslim "terrorist" countries.  A highly suspect POTUS from a "Big Oil" dynastic family then illegally embarks on a series of illegal invasions of aforesaid countries, plunging them and several neighboring countries into a state of nightmarish chaos.  Resentful victims of aforementioned illegal aggression bravely fight back, and are slaughtered by the thousands and driven out of their ruined countries, which are then occupied by our own now somewhat unpopular country, which proceeds to implement a series of Orwellian security measures on its own hapless citizens at home, legislation which is penned by a lawyer (who shall not be named here) that was recently appointed to the Supreme Court, the highest court of justice in the country.  A succeeding POTUS is elected, promising to remove our country from the vicious quagmire, but instead allows Special Operations mercenaries to escalate the madness, resulting in a seemingly endless stream of profitable warfare which kills and displaces more countless multitudes of helpless victims.  Several years later that POTUS's successor gets himself elected by promising to "bomb the shit" out of the still resisting freedom fighters, continuing and escalating the profitable aggression.  Later on, incontrovertible evidence comes to light proving that aforesaid Muslim "terrorists" could not have been responsible for bringing down aforesaid three towers, and that Israeli Mossad agents were the likely perpetrators, but our country's media suppresses that evidence and continues to scream for revenge against innocent framed Muslims.  Aforementioned screaming continues to this very day in spite of the fact that, upon being questioned, the FBI stated that Osama Bin Laden was not even on their wanted list, due to the fact that there was not enough evidence to connect him to the September 11th terrorist attacks.

cat-s-7 (151K)

How's that for dirty dancing, eh?  As you know, Charles is a fantabulous dancer, and quite good at putting things in perspective!  Now let's come back to the present a little bit; have this...

ITEM:  A highly decorated, apparently mentally unbalanced Special Ops SEAL is repeatedly accused of numerous vicious and sadistic war crimes, the most prominent one being the murder of a captive teen-aged Islamic State combatant in a Navy SEAL post near Mosul, Iraq.  According to two SEAL witnesses, the SEAL said over the radio, "he's mine," and without further ado killed the prisoner by stabbing him in the neck with his hunting knife.  The SEAL and his commanding officer, Lieutenant Jake Portier, posed for photographs standing over the victim with some other SEAL goodfellows; the SEAL then reportedly texted a picture of himself holding the dead captive's head by the hair to a friend in California with the words, "Good story behind this, got him with my hunting knife."  The SEAL has made many documented public statements regarding his zeal to kill, and was also accused by fellow Navy SEAL snipers of randomly shooting two Iraqi civilians:  an unarmed elderly man in a white robe and a young girl walking with some other girls.  He is also accused of, among other things, being a reckless, bloodthirsty sniper, firing his rifle indiscriminately and more frequently than the other snipers, taking "random shots" into buildings, and taking militarily pointless shots, shooting and killing many other civilians.  He is apparently fond of boasting about the large number of people he's killed, allegedly claiming an average of three kills a day over 80 days, including four women, and was also reportedly known for indiscriminately spraying neighborhoods with rockets and machine gun fire, with no known enemy force in the region.

The SEAL is ultimately arrested and accused of premeditated murder, willfully discharging a firearm to endanger human life, obstruction of justice, and the killing of two Iraqi civilians, as well as threatening to kill fellow SEALs if they reported his actions.  He is also charged with nearly a dozen lesser offenses such as flying a drone over a corpse.  A Muslim-hating POTUS then steps in, appointing Marc Mukasey, a former law partner of his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, to defend the accused SEAL.

The POTUS's intervention angers many high-ranking military officials, who feel that his actions will discredit the U.S., encourage more murderous actions by rouge soldiers, and thus incite further retribution from the "terrorists," putting all military personnel at risk of reprisals.  A strange series of events too numerous and strange to go into here then proceeds to unfold, with the ultimate outcome being that the POTUS's request to exonerate the accused SEAL is granted, to the outrage of aforesaid military officials.  All charges are ultimately dismissed by a panel of five Marines and two sailors, except for one:  posing for a photo with a human casualty, the aforementioned teen-aged Islamic State combatant.  Navy prosecutor Chris Czaplak:  "Chief _________ (the accused SEAL) decided to act like the monster the terrorists accuse us of being.  He handed ISIS propaganda manna from heaven.  His actions are everything ISIS says we are."

So how'd you like that little item, eh?  Splendido, you say?  Well then, have some more...

ITEM:  A young married couple installs Ring Security Cameras throughout their home, in order to keep an eye on their children while they're away.  Shortly thereafter the mother receives a frantic phone call from her terrified child, who tells her that some unseen person is talking to her in her empty bedroom; the disembodied voice is threatening her using foul language, calling her a "nigger," among other insults, and generally scaring the daylights out of her.  The mother calls her husband, who rushes home from work to find that the bodiless foul-mouthed intruder's voice is actually coming from their own Ring Security Camera, recently purchased from Amazon.  A series of similar incidents begin to be reported all over the country; insults, threats, demands for ransom and other sick messages, coming from security cameras mostly sold by Ring, but also by other highly suspect merchandisers.  A newspaper named the Washington Post reporting on the above disgusting events is, ironically, owned by Jeff Bezos, a good friend of David Geffen (of Guns and Roses fame) and founder of, one of the biggest distributors of the Ring Security Cameras.  Bezos declines to comment on the issue, but reportedly states later that it's the fault of the purchasers for not using Two-Factor Authentication, although such necessary precaution is not specifically given to purchasers, nor are instructions on how to implement said protective measure.  The Ring and other security cameras continue to be advertised heavily and distributed on, as well as other highly suspect distributor websites.

ct-hates-himself (90K) ITEM:  The giant supermarket conglomerate Walmart begins running funny "candid camera" videos on Google news outlets, of customers doing strange and "funny" things while being filmed by hidden Walmart cameras without their knowledge or consent.  Charles himself sees at least five such Google news articles inviting him to view the sub rosa action; one of them entices him with a picture of a young blonde girl so sexy and attractive that he is actually tempted to view the video himself, but ultimately decides against doing so, for fear of developing extreme self-loathing ideation (as in, "Oh, I'm a sick, disgusting Peeping Tom!")  NOTE:  The giant Walmart chain is owned by a billionaire of the SS-DG persuasion (see Lexicon in "Combo Page" on this website for definition of "SS-DG") who, besides subliminally encouraging people to become sick disgusting peeping toms (like he and his "people" are), also likes to peddle "Joker" pajamas, T-shirts glamorizing cocaine use (didn't you know Walmart is going to become a "head shop?"), drone surveillance cameras, and asinine, inane and violent DVD's in plain sight of customers' young impressionable children.  He also requires (forces) customers to listen to disgusting SS-DG music played at very loud volume while they shop;  great guy.

ITEM:  After inadvertently frying his old car's engine, Charles decides to avail himself of some of the new transportation services available (actually they've been around quite a while now; Charles is way behind the times!).  He downloads an app from UBER in order to enhance his mobility options.  Upon reading the instructions, he finds that he needs to download the notoriously popular "Google Play" in order to use his UBER app.  Upon reluctantly going to Google's website to download the necessary app, he happens to read some obscure, hidden-away message informing him that in order to use Google Play, he must first consent to Google's inexplicable requirement that he allow them access to his text messages, voice messages, pictures, videos, contacts, call history, location history, etc., etc., ad infinitum (and ad nauseam!).  pichai (94K) Outraged, he attempts to contact a human being in order to inquire why the above sub rosa spying is necessary just to use a very necessary service such as UBER, but finds that he is butting his head against a stone wall; Google requires him to navigate through an incomprehensible labyrinth of links that send him to other links; he soon finds that he is going in an endless circle of mouse clicks.  He later learns that Google's two founders/owners have ditched their now monstrously giant company and, along with several other investors, started a new even bigger conglomerate called Alphabet or something, which now owns Google, among many other well-known companies.  Google's two original founders/owners disclaim responsibility for Google's invasive spying activities, offering no explanation whatsoever for their totally unnecessary and certifiably psychotic spying actions.

ITEM:  A classical music radio station known as KUSC (Los Angeles's only full-time classical station, to my knowledge) begins frequently promoting Alexa and Echo, two voice-operated smart speakers patented by Google and Amazon that will eliminate the exercise of users having to get up and turn on their radio and other devices.  However it soon becomes clear that, rather than helping a music listener gain valuable weight by not having to get up from a comfortable sedentary position, Google/Amazon's real intent is to spy on its owners without their knowledge or consent, gathering valuable information about their shopping patterns so that Google/Amazon can track their heart's desires, and accordingly market the appropriate products to them through their many marketing outlets, such as cell phones and computers.  In addition to eavesdropping on people in the (former) privacy of their own homes, above-mentioned devices also come with cameras installed to watch them as well.  Said surveillance plot is neither disclosed nor advertised and is almost impossible to thwart, listening to and watching its owners even when turned off.  g-jrks1 (98K) A Google patent application describes using a future release of its smart Home system to monitor and control everything from screen time and hygiene habits to meal and travel schedules and other activities, such as frequency of toilet flushing, again nearly impossible to control as it is triggered by a new algorithm that responds to key words such as, "I'm going skiing!"  Google/Amazon hires thousands of people to listen to their "findings" -- some of the things that are incidentally recorded are people saying their confidential bank account and credit card numbers and security codes for intruder alarm devices while speaking on their phones.  Google's two original founders/owners and their new ALPHABET partners disclaim responsibility for Google/Amazon's invasive spying activities, offering no explanation whatsoever for their totally unnecessary and certifiably psychotic spying actions -- again.

ITEM:  A classical music radio station known as KUSC appears to be shamelessly catering (pandering is a more appropriate term) to people of the SS-DG persuasion (see Lexicon on "Combo Page"), as evidenced by their ceaseless comments implying the superiority of SS-DG and D.O. composers and musicians (as well as the low character of certain notorious anti-SS-DG and non-D.O. composers and musicians), their frequent and blatant overplaying of mediocre Hollywood film-music, their overblown aggrandizement of mediocre Hollywood film-composers such as John Williams (who is personal manservant to the Legendary Steven Spielberg) and other mediocrities, whom they continually refer to as "Hollywood Royalty";  also by their skewed one-sided distortions of tragic problems caused by historic events such as World War Two, and their frequent and barely-disguised racist innuendoes (SS-DG's are the world's biggest and most blatant racists, in case you weren't aware --  that is, when they're not too busy pointing the finger at the Nazis).  One classic example of this pandering to SS-DG people is their frequent and blatant broadcasting of KUSC/N.Y. Times film critic Ken Terrell, who sings loud praises for violent and declasse Hollywood movies such as Quentin Tarantino's "Once Upon A Time In Hollywood."  In the midst of a horrible, seemingly endless mass-shooting epidemic that is threatening the lives of all citizens, and which has clearly been caused by media excesses such as Hollywood movies, crass music and violent video games, Terrell states the following:  "Although it contains big chunks of violence, 'Once Upon A Time In Hollywood' is still a great film!"  Upon digging deeper, Charles finds that Quentin Tarantino is a huge fan and disciple of none other than the Legendary Steven Spielberg!, a man whom Tarantino praised to high heaven at a recent movie-award dinner (which Charles was not invited to, for some strange reason).

ITEM:  Steven Spielberg's Amblin Television and Alex Gibney's Jigsaw Productions release "Why We Hate" (?!?).  Directed by Geeta Gandbhir and Sam Pollarda, it is a six-part documentary television series which is an "exploration into the human condition of hatred and how we can overcome it" (Gee, isn't that legendary film-making God just too good to us bestial humans?).  Apparently, Steven Spielberg has long been interested in an exploration of humanity's capacity for hatred and how it can be overcome!!  According to Spielberg, "Getting to the root of the human condition is something I find not only fascinating, but absolutely necessary in understanding who we are.  With the team in place, we delve into historical and modern-day stories of hate, traveling around the globe to uncover its mystery in others and in ourselves.  If we understand why we act the way we do, we can change the way we act.  That is what we are uniquely capable of as human beings."  Why We Hate took four long years to produce... it was then released on the Discovery Channel on October 13, 2019, for the ultimate benefit of a war-torn humanity that is being manipulated by unbelievably evil entities, such as the SS-DG people.  Let Charles be the first to personally congratulate the good Mr. Spielberg and his people for their gracious contributions not only to world peace, but also to cultural enlightenment... as evidenced by his most assuredly non-racist films such as "Jurassic Park II," "Gremlins," "Men In Black," etc.;  also by his endless stream of cartoon movies, such as the extremely palatable "Shrek."  Not to mention bs&2w (97K) movies such as "The Terminal" (2004), his patently un-hypocritical story about a foreigner stripped of his basic freedoms in George W. Bush's post-9/11 America.  As you well know, Spielberg is definitely not in cahoots with the perpetrators of the September 11th "terrorist" attacks, which were not approved of, nor orchestrated by right-wing hard-line Israelis, in spite of what you may have inferred.  No siree, boy, it was that Osama Bin Laden guy... or didn't the media (which is definitely not controlled by SS-DG people) tell you?

Are you getting tired of all this happy news yet?  No, you say?  Good!  Here's some more:

ITEM:  Quote from Juan Vargas (CA Rep.):  "Questioning support for U.S.-Israel relationships is UNACCEPTABLE!  Israel is a stalwart ally of the U.S., because of shared interests and VALUES!!"  Vargas also demands that Congress-person Ilhad Omar, one of a handful of politicians questioning Israel's blatant manipulation of the U.S. government and, ironically, a foreign-born refugee from a war-torn country and a proponent of the BDS movement (BDS stands for boycotts, divestments and sanctions directed against right-wing Israeli hardliners in a legal, non-violent and desperate attempt to stop their blatant and unceasing crimes against humanity, specifically the blatant oppression and violence directed at the former residents of lands that are being usurped by SS-DG's intent on controlling the entire planet and bringing it under their mean, depraved, putrid thumbs), should immediately apologize for making the truthful but henious comment, "It's all about the Benjamins ($100 bills), Baby!", or be terminated;  11 SS-DG groups also demand either her immediate resignation or termination. 

Let's backtrack a bit on the BDS movement, here:

On April 21, 2015, in a 123-1 vote, Tennessee became the first state in the country to formally condemn the BDS movement   The legislation refers to BDS as “one of the main vehicles for spreading anti-Semitism and advocating the elimination of the Jewish state.”  The legislation also stated that BDS is “deeply damaging to the causes of peace, justice, equality, democracy and human rights for all the peoples in the Middle East.”  On May 18, 2015, in complete disregard to the First Amendment rights passed by the founders of the United States Constitution in 1789  ("Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances)," Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner becomes the first politician to pass landmark anti-BDS legislation targeting taxpayer-funded public pension funds for companies if they have supported the BDS Movement.  Companies that boycott Israel in Illinois are now to be added to restricted company lists which undergo periodic review and are sent around to managers at all taxpayer funded public pension funds, forcing compliance with this violation of constitutional free speech rights.  The passage of Bill SB-1761 is "hailed" as the first state-based, concrete action taken against the BDS movement in the United States... "hailed," that is, by the Jewish Virtual Library (American-Israel Cooperative Enterprise). 

wh-11 (118K) ITEM:  As of January 1, 2020, in blatant disregard to the authors of the U.S. Bill of Rights, 28 states have passed various anti-BDS measures, including Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Wisconsin, and California.  On January 14, 2020, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem signs an executive order that requires contractors and bidders to certify that they are not participating in the BDS movement.  Contractors and bidders who employ more than five people and are contracting for goods or services exceeding $100,000 must make the certification.  The Order does not apply to individuals who choose to exercise a boycott by their own consumer purchases (Well hey, Kristi, that's mighty fine of you!).  Contractors and bidders should expect to see the certification requirement in new contracts or in responses to requests for proposal in the next 30 days.

Very interestingly, the non-violent BDS Movement is defended by the Jewish Voice for Peace, a national organization with over 200,000 online supporters, over 70 chapters, a youth wing, a Rabbinic Council, an Artist Council, an Academic Advisory Council, and an Advisory Board made up of leading U.S. intellectuals and artists, which strongly condemns the violence visited upon unarmed people protesting the illegal seizure and occupation of their homelands and, accordingly, the massacres of countless multitudes of freedom fighters and protesters understandably outraged by Israeli hard-line policies over the decades.

ITEM:  Noah Smith, a writer for, is very concerned that "Too Many Americans Will Never Be Able to Retire."  After conceding that "some" see this as a positive trend because it adds to the economy, he goes on to theorize/agonize that "there is a distinct possibility" that some elderly people just can't afford to retire because either their nest eggs were wiped out in the housing crash, or their kids don't make enough money to support them in their old age, or they just didn't save enough (the dummies).  He then warns that "The pressures on older Americans to work will likely only become greater in the coming years... because the young, working population needed to support retirees" is just not growing fast enough.  You see, if there's not enough young workers paying into the Social Security and Medicare systems, it will force the financial geniuses to cut all our benefits, causing older people to work longer, or else you know what's gonna' happen... increasing deficits!  Which is great for the economist geniuses, but not so great for the rest of us.  hm-beg-1 (108K) Noah cites Japan's policy of low immigration and its resulting harsh measures, i.e., forcing older people to work longer before collecting their social security benefits, then asks if making grandma and grandpa work longer is what the U.S. really wants, before making a case for increased immigration policies to solve this mysteriously caused problem.  What he doesn't seem to want to get into is what caused the elderly's nest eggs to be wiped out in the housing crash (i.e., what caused the housing crash), or why their kids can't make enough money to support them in their old age, or what machinations caused the would-be retirees' inability to save enough (we know it couldn't be related to "hidden taxes" in the form of inflation, and other usurious tactics); in other words, Noah is not a conspiracy theorist!  In fact, it kind of sounds like he's the exact opposite of a conspiracy theorist (i.e., one of the economists who keep insisting that there is no conspiracy behind all of this economic turmoil and chaos).  Let's all take a moment to thank good old Noah, our Economist/Savior from Bloomberg, for telling us what's really going on!

ren-1 (195K) ITEM:  A "totally with-it" reporter from WORLD(?) named Alfred Joyner writes about how a 21 year-old Chinese YouTube "star" named Kanghua Ren, "creator of the popular channel ReSet," was sentenced to a 15 month prison term and fined 20,000 euros ($22,300 dollars) for the very minor offense of feeding Oreo cookies to a 52-year old homeless man, an "unusual punishment" according to Joyner.  Did I say minor offense?  Actually, Ren the "Youtube "star" removed the cream filling from the Oreo cookies and filled them with toothpaste, then fed them to the homeless man, watching him gag and vomit as he filmed the harmless "prank" while narrating:  "Maybe I've gone a bit far, but look at the positive side; this will help you clean your teeth.  I think you have not cleaned them since you became poor.”  For some strange reason this act of mindless lunacy prompted widespread condemnation, so Mr. Ren took it down, replacing it with another video in which he offered the poor man 20 more euros ($22.30 U.S.D.) while saying on camera, "People exaggerate over jokes in the street (played) on a beggar, when surely if it's done to a normal person they wouldn't say anything."  (Interpret that any way you will, folks.)  The popular Youtube "star" and another very high-class friend then visited the homeless man a third time to shoot another interesting video; apparently they were intent on spending the night with him (??).  However, an observant witness called the police, ruining the video and no doubt breaking the hearts of Mr. Ren's viewers, who were obviously just dying to see his lastest offering.  According to the police, Ren later offered 300 euros ($334.50 USD) to the daughter of his victim to deter her from filing a lawsuit.  Unbelievable?  Actually not, when you consider the grand Youtube scheme of things.  ren-2s (184K) According to court documents, Kanghua Ren the "star," whose popular channel ReSet has over 1.2 million extremely high-class viewers, made $2,475 in advertising from this venture, of which Youtube received a tidy percentage.  In his defense, Mr. Ren said the video was just a bad joke, for which he had later sought to make amends.  He made it "to effectively capture the morbid attention of his followers” after one of them challenged him to do it.  In addition to the "unusual punishment," Ren was also forced to erase his popular channel and was banned for five years from the extremely high-class Youtube -- by the Judge, not by Youtube.  Mr. Ren was found guilty of violating the moral integrity of the homeless man, but won't serve any time behind bars because Spanish law normally allows sentences under two years for first-time offenders in "nonviolent" crimes to be suspended.

Lizzie-3s (189K) ITEM:  In the Year of Our Lord 1989, a rather beautiful person came into this world, albeit into a not so beautiful body.  Elizabeth Ann Velasquez, the person referred to here, was born to Rita and Guadalupe Velasquez in Austin, Texas, the eldest of three children.  Born four weeks prematurely with an extremely rare congenital disease which prevented her from accumulating body fat and gaining weight, she usually weighs no more than 64 pounds when in a state of good health, and must eat numerous small meals and snacks averaging between 5,000 and 8,000 calories a day.  Along with many other unfortunate superficial problems such as an unusually large forehead, semi-bulging eyes and splayed toes, she has also become blind in her right eye, which began to cloud over when she was 4, and has very poor vision in her other eye.  She suffers from esophagus problems which make it hard to keep food down sometimes; also easily broken foot bones and other ailments.  She has been in and out of hospitals on a frequent basis and has had countless operations.  In spite of these travails, however, Lizzie actually exhibits a very positive, upbeat personality to the world.

When I first viewed "A Brave Heart; the Lizzie Velasquez Story," my first thought was that Lizzie was a lot like me, in that we have both suffered a large number of mean-ass jerks, morons and scumbuckets.  After seeing the movie again, I realized that I was very wrong; Lizzie has experienced much more bullying than most human beings, and possesses an extraordinary courage and capacity for forgiveness that I will never have.  Liz&F-2 (214K) Because her parents treated her as if she were no different from any other child, her first experience with school came as something of a shock, as kids began to react to her odd looks.  But with the help of her parents and teachers, an unusually high intelligence and an indomitable spirit, she overcame her initial fright and slowly began to be accepted by her immediate classmates, even becoming popular as time passed.  Videos taken during her early school years show her getting along quite well with the other young people; she became a cheerleader at her high school.  She recalls being very happy at age 15, with many friends.  In her own words, "I was on the high road."

Lizzie-b-1 (273K) Then it happened.  Coming home from school one afternoon at age 17, instead of immediately getting to her homework Lizzie opted to look for some new music on Youtube, that marvelous gift to mankind.  She happened to see a link entitled "The World's Ugliest Girl"; curiosity prompted her to click the link, whereupon she was confronted with a picture of herself, uploaded by some unknown Satanic monster who surely came straight from hell.  Not only had our extremely gracious Youtube allowed the vermin's sadistic post to be broadcast, it's "algorithm" had also allowed thousands of equally sadistic "top comments", which Lizzy proceeded to numbly read, one after another (there were probably many more nice comments, knowing Youtube - at the time Lizzie viewed the video, it had already garnered 4,610,235 views - bravo, Youtube!)  As Lizzie recalls, she didn't cry while viewing the video or reading the disgustingly inhuman remarks; but upon turning around and seeing her mother standing besides her watching the proceedings in abject horror, she "completely lost it."  The stream of Youtube "top comments" continued to be posted; it took some time for her to recover from the shock.

After going through numerous maneuvers with the noble Youtube machine, the video was finally "flagged" (bravo, Youtube!), alerting the unknown uploader that it was in the "process" of being taken down, whereupon the noble prince contacted Lizzie with a message stating, in capital letters, "I WON'T GIVE UP.  Are you happy that my video has been removed?  I will reload it again and again.  It's just information." (italics added by charles, not the prince.)  The video was eventually removed from Youtube.  Let be the first to congratulate the splendid people who control Youtube for being so quick (and willing) to take it down. BIG NOTE:  Youtube, an American video-sharing platform born and raised in San Bruno, California in February 2005, was started by three former PayPal employees named Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim.  Google very astutely bought the highly questionable site in November 2006, for 1.65 billion U.S. dollars, and now operates Youtube as one of its many profitable (if not exactly high-character) subsidiaries.

ANOTHER NOTE:  Before we start asking the hard questions, it should be known that Lizzie turned the tables on this princely Youtube reptile and all his insectile fans; she started her own Youtube series of videos in an attempt to help others who had been bullied, cyber or otherwise, gaining hundreds of thousands of sympathetic hard-core fans herself in the process.  Lizzie-4 (185K) She was invited to appear on several widely-broadcast shows, and became a celebrated icon against meanness.  Also, as well as becoming a symbol of strength and courage to millions, she was able to parlay her traumatic experience into a pretty fair amount of money. 

Bravo, Lizzie!

ALSO NOTE:  Sadly, mean videos featuring Lizzie and other quite possibly beautiful victims are still being circulated on popular media outlets (think Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, Pinterest, etc.) to this very day.  ALSO, ALSO NOTE:  Some moronically misguided and self-serving anti-abortion fanatics have exploited Lizzie's poignant experience in an ignoble attempt to deny pregnant women the safety of a legal abortion, thus forcing aforesaid women to seek the assistance of quack back-alley "doctors," empowering said quacksters to exploit the hell out of pregnant womens' predicaments (they quite often demand exorbitant fees or even sexual favors for their "professional services." 

Shame on you people!  You are just as cruel as the jerk who tried to destroy Lizzie Velasquez (but you're too dumb to realize that) and, unfortunately for society, like that disgusting little worm you just WON'T GIVE UP.  Also, I got a little news for you:  God hates people like you who try to impose their mentally retarded will on other people who are in dire straits, and desperately need help that you are intent on denying them.  If you don't like abortion, then don't have an abortion, you morons!  But please stop thinking that you're some kind of caped super-hero saving people's lives... all you're doing is forcing unwanted babies (who are probably going to have crappy lives) into the world, usually to the detriment of people who practice, ahem, planned parenthood?  You assholes should have to pay quadruple taxes for all the trouble and expense you are causing society, by blindly obeying your idiot priests instead of thinking for yourselves!  And for God's sake, stop thinking that God wants you to force your stupid beliefs on people in trouble!  Let me tell you something I've learned about God:  he can be a real motherfucker when he wants to!  You are all going to have a big surprise awaiting you when you die, if not sooner, that I can most assuredly assure you (from personal experience).  And you all deserve it!  There... I finally said it.

ct-bt6b (165K)

Alright, Charles!  You're really doing great there, just telling it like it is, making a lot of wonderful new friends in the process as well!  Like the rich and powerful owners of Youtube, who are actually the rich and powerful owners of Google.  Starting to wonder if Charles is worried for his longevity?  Don't worry little droogies, I'm going to tone down this angry rant now...  promise!  After giving you just one or two more little items to bring us up to date on the State of The Art.  Hey, I'm only doing this because I love you!  Don't thank me too much, now.  Here's this:

brin-ss-dg 2 (92K) ITEM:  The truth comes out that Youtube posts are not controlled by anyone at all!  Unless of course you are one of those neo-zombie- tech-addict-hacker geeks who consider an algorithm to be your friend.  Don't laugh... it's coming.  It seems that the zombie-geek-worm who decides what a person can or can't post on Youtube is actually an algorithm designed by "Google Brain," a Google artificial intelligence research team composed of "humans" (?), that has drawn some criticism... by some of us non-humans, I suppose.  You see, it seems that guys like Google's Jim McFadden found out that the best way to increase their ad revenue profits was to automatically monitor what their users "searched" for, then let their algorithm recommend other videos, based on that user's previous searches.  However, it was found that YouTube’s mindless idiot algorithm was doing unsavory things like steering pedophiles to videos of partially-clothed children, after they watched more explicit sex videos.  A genius named Shimrit Ben-Yair then came up with "YouTube Kids!"  In a noble attempt to not turn a young developing child's mind to cartoon-worshipping mush, the new app was designed to steer kids to non-offensive, kid-friendly content... like Disney's Mickey Mouse (my personal God). 

Google guy-1 (129K) But you can guess what happened next - enter the neo-nerd!  Using cheap technology, sick geek animators created violent and/or sexual video content featuring Mickey and other popular cartoon gods.  The beauties who created these videos weren’t intending for children to watch them, oh no... these cartoons were meant for fun-loving neo-adult children, you understand!  Kind of like the adults who like to watch Steven Spielberg Shrek-type cartoons, I suppose.  But Google/Youtube's brilliant genius-designed algorithm couldn't tell the difference between innocent cartoons and debauchery, so "YouTube Kids" were steered to the adult fare, as well as their innocent cartoons!  The problem still persists, two years after the unsuitable content issue arose.  In 2019, research proved that there’s a 35 percent chance a child will come across sick violent "adult" cartoon footage within 10 clicks of a child-friendly video.  YouTube has been slow to acknowledge the situation, and, being Youtube, has been much slower to deal with it.  You see, the more videos that are watched, the more advertising money Youtube (i.e., Google) makes  - simple, eh?  Therefore, every new video viewed is considered a success by Youtube!  Doesn't matter who (or how old) the viewer is!  That explains Youtube's confusion when they let Obsessive Homophobe Steven Crowder, another famous YouTube "star," attack/insult a gay journalist named Carlos Maza, who got mad and started a big hubba-baloo during which YouTube, not wanting to set an unprofitable precedent regarding hate speech and harassment censorship, shifted their public stance four times in 24 hours while explaining how they would stop such hate-mongering.  Susan Wojcicki, YouTube’s C.E.O., apologized later for how “hurtful” the company’s decision was to the LGTBQ community (which is apparently not an entity to be trifled with... financially speaking, that is).

(LAST) ITEM:  Apparently has some stiff competition, in the form of new distributors such as, the newest ingeniously contrived "artistic" marketing conglomerate on the block!  But Pinterest is not merely an image-based social network, no sir.  CEO Ben Silbermann summarizes the company as a "catalogue of ideas" that inspires users to "go out and do that thing!"  Oh.  Available in more than 27 languages, Pinterest has reached 300 million monthly active users as of August 2019, and Time magazine listed Pinterest in its "50 Best Websites of 2011" article!  ALRIGHT!  Aren't you glad you're reading this?  For posterity, here are some of Pinterest's "noteworthy" entrepreneurs and investors (get out your notepads, now):  Jack Abraham, FirstMark Capital, Japanese electronic commerce company Rakuten... um, actually, let's not go into that.  Just remember, many celebrities utilize this social media, as well as popular Youtubers!  In February 2019, Wall Street Journal stated the total valuation of the company was $12 billion.

I forced myself to visit Pinterest to see what type of nice things they were offering, and to my extreme delight found that, true to the terrifyingly contageous SS-DG philosophy of making a quick buck any which way you can, they were continuing the same sadistic shit that the SS-DG's did Lizzie Velasquez with, namely videos featuring people whose superficial (facial) features were not, shall we say, what a superficial person might describe as beautiful.  Apparently the market for such sadism has grown even larger over the years, and savvy companies and even huge corporations are using that magnetism to increase their advertising potential, thus selling more products!  Here's a picture of Ben Silberman, the lovely social/moral specimen behind Pinterest. 

silverboy-1 (208K)

Like that pic?  Here's another shot of Silberman surrounded by some of his extremely high-class mover-shaker profit-making friends, with an audience of some apparently very worshipful wannabee-profit-maker fans:

bs&worms (321K)

Now let's compare those lovely people above to some other ones which Pinterest saw fit to run on their very popular and extremely profitable site (probably without the subjects' consent  - or maybe some rich guy with a "Youtube star" mentality paid them 300 euros), in an attempt to attract even more of their very strange fans and get a few more advertising dollars, or whatever.  NOTE:  Just do a Google search for "ugly pictures of people" [or anything else you might want to buy] if you want to get to Pinterest, or Youtube, or, or a host of other wonderful media conglomerate's sites, and you'll get there real quick.  My apologies to anyone who unwillingly had their picture taken and featured on any of today's sick, disgusting media outlets -- I'm only using them to illustrate a point that desperately needs illustrating (I don't like having my picture taken [unless I take it myself], I know that).  And to those of you who would rather not partake of Pinterest's idea of sensitive, socially redeeming and extremely high-class offerings, just keep chanting their mantra over and over again:  "ANYTHING TO MAKE A BUCK!  ANYTHING TO MAKE A BUCK!"  Who knows, maybe one day you might join the rat race and change your standards of what is and what is not morally acceptable; then maybe you won't end up a poverty-stricken loser like Charles. 

pinterest 5 (128K) pinterest 7 (154K)

Now let's say you're a high-class dentist, and you want to make an ad that will motivate somebody to pay you to make their toothy grin more attractive (like Chucky boy's).  You can simply go to Pinterest and find pictures like the ones below, which you can then purchase to make your excellent ad!  Or maybe they give 'em away free just to get you to their site, I don't know man... all I know is I'm about to go back to Pinterest right now, I'm so intrigued by all of this good stuff.  Here's some pix for all of you classy opportunistic dentists out there...

pin-dental-1 (130K) pin-dental-3 (114K)
pin-dental-4 (139K) pin, dental-2 (137K)

Actually, you didn't ask but:  apparently Google (or Alphabet, or whatever those fine upstanding noble gentlemen call themselves these days) either considered or attempted purchasing Pinterest because it was starting to get so popular!  You see, to a giggley googley guy, popular translates to profitable!  How and why Pinterest got so popular means nothing on a paper ledger; all that matters is the bottom line, profits.  Another interesting note:  For some God-forsaken reason Pinterest also banned "bible verses" and other Christian terms, and listed them on its "offensive terms" list (?).  To finish up with Pinterest (thank God!), consider this quote from Ben Silbermann:  "I hope Pinterest is my last job.  I don't think there are a lot of tools at scale that let you indulge in who you want to be."  Great, man.  The world is very lucky that guys like you indulge yourself.


Ok, now let's cut to the chase:  How the hell did this country sink to this level of depravity?  How can this kind of blatantly and insanely sadistic bullshit be allowed to occur on American soil?  Does not this kind of Satanism stand in stark contrast to the ideals that our founding fathers risked their lives to uphold and protect?  And why aren't the corporate owners of Youtube, Google, Pinterest, Amazon, etc. featured on the front pages of every newspaper, news magazine, or on any televised news program, explaining why their classy corporations allow this kind of un-American atrocity to stand?  What did all those American revolutionaries die for, if our government and citizens allow this kind of debasement of the country's moral integrity?  If Google or its Youtube ilk were ever made to stand trial for what used to be considered intentional infliction of emotional distress, they would lamely say something like:  "It wasn't our fault... it wasn't us... it was the algorithm, not us!  Don't blame us, blame the algorithm!"  Right, uh huh.

Sorry folks, that kind of idiotic argument just won't fly here at  We will be investigating these aforementioned sickie insect billionaires, interrogating them and challenging them to debates regarding their right to call themselves human beings, or humanoids, or sub-humans or whatever the hell they categorize themselves as, all to be featured very soon right here on, in an ignoble attempt to increase Charles' number of viewers so he can maybe do some profitable advertising, too...

Ha ha, just jokin'!  Actually, what we're gonna' do, right now, is to ask a few more hard, pertinent questions, such as:  What, or WHO, is behind this massive world-wide culture/morality rot?  And WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?  Are we going to just sit blithely by and watch a bunch of demented profiteers of war and human misery lead us into a societal-cultural-political-economic ditch, from which we may never be able to extricate ourselves?  Or are we going to stand up for our rights as the human beings that God made in his own image (or so they say), the ones who were supposed to have dominion over his good green Earth and all of its various life forms, and who, as such, are responsible for the care, maintenance and survival of said Earth and all of those aforementioned life forms?  (That would include sub-human multi-billionaires too, I suppose... ugh.)

If you're beginning to "catch my drift," you might now be questioning the judicious wisdom of allowing young children, or allowing anybody at all, to digest things like Youtube or Pinterest pictures or videos.  But hey, doesn't Youtube post enormously helpful videos too, like the ones that tell you how to repair your car, etc. etc., that can save you enormous repair bills from dishonest mechanics, etc. etc.?  Yes, indeed they do!  And therein lies the danger of all this youtube-style media addiction -- at least in my humble opinion. 

In case you hadn't heard, it is the policy of the Satanists to entice their victims with good things, along with their disgusting shit, so that they can gain not just the trust, but the complete devotion of their devotee/victims!  This can clearly be seen in the programming of radio stations such as Los Angeles' KLOS, which ingeniously mixes excellent old-school "classic" rock music with inane and declasse punk, rap, and "heavy metal" garbage, in order to fool less knowledgeable, less tastefully discerning listeners into accepting the putrid new garbage along with the old good stuff, giving the new puke-music more credibility.  My objection to this should be obvious to all and sundry, but apparently isn't.  What some musically ignorant kid listens to is none of my business, yeah, right, but this rancid cultural cancer is a clear symptom of the overall decline of humanity in general (I mean a sane person's conception of humanity).  And besides all that guff, the bottom line is that Charles just hates being forced to listen to some idiot's conception of musical nirvana when he's standing in line at a market.  People have different tastes in music, I know, but some of these musical morons just take it too far.

The deplorable upshot of all this madness is that most young people today, having known nothing better, grow up assuming the world was always like this!  Just what does Charles mean by "like this?"  Here are a few good examples of "like this":

Blatantly broadcasted insane television comedy shows, geared to titillate 8-year old intelligences, that push the limits of propriety; news programs that report on natural disasters occuring everywhere around the country, but turn a blind eye to even more important disasters, such as the Satanists' uncontested take-over of this country via their control of the central bank and, vis-a-vis, the government;

ct-ps1 (111K) ct-ps2 (112K) ct-ps3 (112K) ct-ps4 (112K) ct-ps4a (112K) ct-ps5 (109K) ct-ps6 (111K) ct-ps7 (110K) ct-ps8 (110K) ct-ps9 (110K) ct-ps10 (112K) ct-ps11 (111K) ct-ps12 (107K) ct-ps13 (108K)

Unbelievably skyrocketing military budgets caused by the Satanists' blatant and obvious instigation of conflicts between countries; complete control and manipulation of the government by a highly suspect "religious" entity that consists of a tiny minority of the country's population; contrived, so-called "terrorist" attacks by mass-murdering Satanists which are blamed on innocent people in order to benefit profiteers of war and human misery, then are used as excuses to impose totalitarian "national security" measures on U.S. citizens; politicians who lick the boots of the Satanists responsible for aforementioned "terrorist" attacks and push for laws forbidding criticism of those Satanists, politicians like Juan Vargas, truly one of California's finest democrats... or how about Satanic maggots who make violent video games and hire equally wormlike lobbying firms to stop the government from investigating whether or not their ultra-violent Satanic video games cause disturbed, impressionable young people to gun each other down by the score (NOTE:  they do);

Want to hear more?  How about... perfectly legal public "torture houses" that laugh at the tens of thousands of petitioners rightfully trying to run them out of town, because paid-off Satanic judges won't let law enforcement officers uphold standards of decency; or... popular black football stars getting jeered at by media maggots for saying that paying "reparations" to descendants of slaves is damaging to a black person's psyche (What psyche?  Just gimme' that money politician, and I'll vote for your ass!); or... cars that come with computer systems (standard equipment, folks) which the C.I.A. or any little hacker geek can remotely take over to annoy, harass, harm or even kill their hapless, helpless drivers in dozens of neato ways (i.e., by manipulating the steering wheel, transmission, brakes, air bag, air conditioner or heater, windshield wipers, door and window locks, radio, etc., while you're speeding down the freeway at 70 m.p.h.); or... Satanist-owned newspapers and magazines that only feature repugnant, lying-sack-of-shit fake Pulitzer and Nobel prize-winning journalists and economists with names like Maureen Dowd or Paul Krugman ("Guns don't kill people; Atheists kill people, right?") who ceaselessly parrot their Satanic masters' propoganda, in an ignoble attempt to trick their Satanic masters' victims (that's us) into disarming ourselves, rendering all of us helpless against aforesaid Satanic masters' sadism; or... petitions signed by tens of thousands of SS-DG's that force previously reputable schools to fire teachers for either questioning the validity of "The" holocaust, or criticizing the unconsitutional suppression of noble causes such as the BDS movement; or how about computer operating systems that order you to "update and shut down" your computer, then force you to accept unwanted downloads which take 20 to 30 minutes to complete, over-riding your wish to turn off your computer, and then completely screwing it up!  Or for that matter, how about computer operating systems that progressively get worse and worse as the years pass, instead of getting better and better like they're supposed to (like Windows 10)? 

And that's just for starters, folks!  Let me catch my breath for a second, then we'll continue on with more items of interest...

Actually though, maybe I've said enough for now; maybe, just maybe, using your newly-acquired powers of inference, and making good use of your recently learned understanding of syllogisms, you're starting to get a clearer picture of what's actually happening to your society today... maybe, eh?  Maybe you've inferred, without actually being told, that this world is in a state of confused flux, with many different ideologies engaged in a myopic, butt-headed battle for supremacy, while a bunch of morally and spiritually bankrupt declasse SS-DG computer geeks, in cahoots with some equally disgusting international financiers, are taking advantage of the confusion to pander to the lowest, worst reptiles among us, becoming mega-zillionaires in the process (thanks to the alarmingly large number of aforementioned low reptiles), and using their zillions to manipulate a totally corrupt government into allowing them to create huge, unstoppable international conglomerates and take over the entire world!  And maybe, based on what you've inferred, you're ready to make a syllogistic argument, with your major premise being:  the world is in a confused state of flux!  Then applying your minor premise:  Its because a bunch of butt-heads won't (or more likely can't) stop being butt-heads, and some weirdo computer hacker jerks and equally disgusting financiers are taking advantage of their jackass stupidity to take over that confused world and make it even worse!  And reaching your logical conclusion:  If we could only control the butt-heads, we could neutralize the sick computer weirdos and the nauseating bankers, and maybe transcend all the confusion and solve the problems of the world!

Wow, that's great!  You're not such a bunch of dummies after all!  Alright then, instead of giving you more symptoms of the disease, let's start talking about a possible cure. 

It seems to me that what we badly lack here is some good leadership; specifically, we need a leader who can put things back into some semblance of order, and is not afraid to risk his health, well-being, or even his life to do so, mainly because he is so gawdamned sick and tired of watching disgusting Satanic worms ruin everything they see that he actually longs for death.  A leader who is not motivated by abject greed, and not subject to coercion either, because he doesn't covet gross material wealth and just doesn't give a shit about anything anymore, and therefore is not easily scared!  A leader whose only desire is to create a world environment more suitable for rational, intelligent, decent people, as opposed to bovine, clueless zombies who live to watch dumb t.v. shows like the SS-DG's Seinfeld or the IWM's Fox whatever, and who also like to pump out babies they can't afford to educate, or even clothe and feed!  In other words, a fast-drawing, straight-shooting, shoot-from-the-hip no-nonsense kind of guy!  Now, let's see here, what kind of person meets all those criteria... does such a person even exist today? 

Hmmm, let me think for a second... who, who... who fits the bill?  Wait!  I believe I do know of such a person!  His name is...


ct-p1 (185K)

Oh, did I hear somebody laugh?  What's so funny, exactly?  Can anybody out there think of anybody else besides Charles that meets the requirements set out above?  Oh, I can already hear the snide comments emanating from all you "anti-decency" zealots out there... but before you go rushing off to buy yourselves new asses (because you laughed your asses off), why don't you try hearing me out for once?  If your wish is to restore law, order, decency and sanity to this almost irreparably corrupted world, here's all you need to do:

1.    Immediately elect Charles as Maximum Leader of the country... no, the entire world!  That way I'll have more room to operate... also, that'll give the Satanists no chance to run to another country and re-group for another assault on humanity, because I'll already be there, waiting for 'em!  Yeah, that's it... let me rule the entire world, and watch how fast I clean up the house, Jack!  After you elect me as MLOTEW, here's what I'll do:

First things first:  I'll take over all the banks, including the big one!  No more of this confusing "we owe them this, and they owe us that, and maybe (if you do what we say) the two debts might offset and cancel each other out" bullshit!  I'll make everything simple and understandable to all, by completely overhauling the monetary system as it exists today (with the help of my trusted learned advisors, of course).  Since money is a theoretical concept, i.e., a way to get people to do things for other people, such as providing a house, a car, a service, etc., I see no reason why a bunch of Satanic jerks who have amassed a profusion of gold or silver should have any power over us more decent people... and the worms who control our economy are truly indeed disciples of Satan ("Satan" is merely the concentrated, consolidated embodiment of them!).  Geffen-Guns&Roses-3 (247K) These foul vermin despise God (the real God, that is), Jesus Christ, beneficial austerity and self-discipline, justice, sanity, and last but not least, Charles.  I have watched these maggots ruin everything over the years of my cognizant life, and I mean everything, all that was good, positive, aesthetically creatively tasteful, bright and beautiful, as they gained more and more power, apparently through their control of our banks, media and government.  They are low-class, self-loathing, excessively self-pitying, greedy, immoral, cowardly, perverted, disgusting examples of everything a human being should not allow himself to descend to; belly-crawling vipers who have given up on being decent human beings and only live to control and manipulate other people, just like a little girl playing with her toy dolls.  They empower and utilize stupid, greedy, morally bankrupt jerk-puppets to shape the world into something more suited to their corrupt disgusting mentalities.  I, a person who has seen nothing of the world at large, am still able to quite clearly perceive that insane, jealous, self-loathing no-talent idiots, who are abject products of nepotism and favoritism, should never have power over superior, more honest people because of their complete lack of moral and ethical restraint.  The fact is that a system that operates in the shadows of secrecy, and is therefore not accountable to anyone, is bound to go bad; and a secretive, corrupt and defective system of leadership can never succeed in controlling the morons and buttheads of lower intelligence that swarm the planet, the dummies that make the problems of the world almost impossible to alleviate.  With the proper cultural cultivation, these dummies can be educated and raised up, or at least made to conform to higher standards created by sane people, and not by David Geffen people.  Ha!

I myself am not averse to a flexible monetary system that allows for (a certain amount of) development and growth; and anyone who has ever bounced a check and seen it trigger a series of other bounced checks, incurring usurious penalties, can appreciate being granted a small loan.  The thing is, these Yosemite Man (180K) foul bastards just take that concept too far, handing out inflated money and overpriced drugs and services to people who probably should not have even been brought into the world (I include myself in that category; but I can honestly blame my present state of hapless poverty entirely on the machinations of sadistically evil Satanists, the same ones that are ripping all of you off).  This "generosity" to all and sundry only increases our debt to the bad guys and furthers their goal, which is to ruin ww2-bodies (217K) everything for people who aren't as corrupt as they are.  The fact is we owe these jackasses nothing, except for our disdain and contempt.  They are mass-murdering, criminally insane hyenas in human form, and they give the human race a bad name.  I say let's stop fighting amongst ourselves, get organized, find and neutralize them, seize and nationalize their precious metals and other assets, and use those things for better purposes!  That way we can truly stabilize things like foreign exchange rates, which will simplify trade disputes and help to heal the ruined, inflated economies of all countries without resorting to something like crypto-currency, that can be subverted by some little computer-brain hacker geek with a mentality like the designers of Windows 10. 

How Will I Do That?  Easy!  By using their own tools... all the reigning military officers of the world, most of whom have been financed and empowered by none other than the Satanists themselves!  How will I get them all on my side?  By getting them all together, and offering them more money than they're making now!  The cost of doing that will be miniscule compared to the price we're paying now... the impending loss of our freedom, property, values, ideals, and most of all, money!  Once I have all these bad boys working together as one happy well-paid unit, the Satanists won't be able to manipulate them to do their bidding anymore, and they'll be quite happy about that, most of them!  Ok, yeah, I know what you're about to say... these military guys are all classic butt-heads, natural born killers who love to fight, no matter what the cause.  So what?  Since all the armies of the world obey a chain of command, all we have to do is deal with the top of those chains!  And after a while we can start to phase them out anyway, since we won't need them so much anymore, since there will be an eventual cessation of most of the world's hostilities, since the instigating factor, i.e., the war-profiteering Satanists, won't be manipulating and rewarding them to fight each other anymore!  And once we've got things peaceful and orderly, in order to keep things that way I'll then turn my attention to...

The corporations and conglomerates!  No more of this Giggley Googley Geekily take over the world shit, boy!  I will put an immediate stop to this obscene corporate/conglomerate madness by nationalizing all such entities, especially the international conglomerates, and gradually shrinking them down to size, eventually dissolving them, like they're supposed to be when we don't need them anymore.  Why?  Because they have made a ludicrous mockery of the benefits that corporations were originally intended to bestow upon society, things like raising capital for useful projects such as the building of roads, canals, dams, railroads, whatever; instead they have become shelters for anonymous, greedy, farting, belching, stinking, ugly, cupiditously Satanic jerks and little googley geeks who are transforming the entire world into something a rushmore-f (44K) dog leaves on the sidewalk after eating a big meal, namely... shit!  That's right I said shit man, there's simply no other word to describe the mess these conqueror worms are making of this planet.  And let's get one thing straight, all you bought-off magistrates and politicians:  a corporation is not a person, and should not be afforded constitutional protections that were intended to help down-trodden people such as freed slaves!  The fact that such an absurdity should be passed into law, because some idiot clerk made a clerical mistake that should have been immediately corrected or something, is a clear example of the corrupt nature of all of you bought-off lawyers and politicians who are supposed to protect us!  You are a den of vipers, and I will destroy you, ha ha ha!  Ah, ha ha ha ha ha ha....

Next?  The stock exchange!  I see no reason whatsoever why I should tolerate any of these slimy, writhing, filthy, contemptible little stock-brokering slugs!  The stock markets as they exist today serve no useful purpose whatsoever; they are just dangerous vehicles for evil profiteering by slithering, side-winding creepy crawlers who like that kind of awful shit... ugh!  They all make me sick!  The entire concept was born in a bubble, and I'm about to pop it, ha ha ha!  The fact is, the people that profit from "insider" stock market trading are the same people that cause the calamities that trigger stock exchange ww2-ruins (228K) panic buying and selling... calamities like wars!  No more of that when I take charge and outlaw stock exchanges of all size, shape and color!  This is the only way to stop super-rich hyenas in human form from using their bought-off national government and military leaders to start conflicts and aggression between hapless countries, so that they can make huge profits off of the predictable reactions of the stock market, as well as their other vehicles of Satanic profit (i.e., corporations that rebuild destroyed countries, etc., etc.).  When I become Ruler of the Entire Planet, I will send all these "insider" traders running for their miserable lives, eliminating what surely must be a major cause of wars, death and untold misery all over the world, ha ha!  Hooray, whoop-eeee!

And then?  Ah, glad you asked!  Charles believes the key to making a utopian world is to control the people who breed mtn-cat (236K) irresponsibly, loveless parents who create human beings that they can't or won't help to find their proper niche in society, whether they're in industrialized societies, "third world" countries, or living in harmoney with nature.  These poor "motherless" children have a hard time growing up without proper help and guidance, and quite often end up leading meaningless, hard-bitten lives that they hate!  And if we control our populations, we won't need overly excessive "economic growth" to please irresponsible capitalists who just want to make more profits no matter what, at the expense of the planet!  I believe that what we need is economic stability, not excessive growth!  Growth entails more people needing more jobs, making more material products which necessitate plundering more of our environmental resources, until the planet burns out, man!  I will stabilize the world's various economies by implementing studies (conducted by good people, not greedy SS-DG worm-appointees) that will monitor all facets of everything!  We will eventually arrive at optimum population levels corresponding to each country's productive output, with no excessive products manufactured to please greedy, money-grubbing Satanists who just want to be richer than and control everybody else, the morons!  And we will implement scientific studies to find the optimum balance of populations-to-resources, and will then allow people to breed hs-2 (77K) accordingly, only within their means.  This will make everyone better off in the long run, and once they realize that, they'll be happier.  Oh yeah, I'll also provide free contraceptive materials to everyone on the planet, so people can have fun and fuck all they want (did I say that?) without making unwanted babies!  This will be much cheaper than setting up social programs for poor people who can't find their niche.  Also, the economies of countries will all be so robust that there will be ample money to help out the few poor souls that will "fall between the cracks," as people sometimes will.  Less people, less jobs, less cars, less factories, less pollution... everyone will have a nice house with big front, back, and most importantly, side yards!  So their neighbors won't drive them crazy!  Brilliant, eh?  It's only a matter of controlling all those irresponsible breeders... what possesses people to bring baby after baby into the world so irresponsibly, anyway?  Is there some kind of demon that sits on their shoulders, whispering in their ears, telling them to sin, sin, sin?  Gosh I dunno...

What will I do after that?  Oh ho ho ho ho, don't even worry about it!  I'll go after the limp-wristed, effete, swishy little sissy geek maggots that hide away in their little effete secret societies, sashaying the night away at their swank little parties, giggling and dancing about like drunken crippled prima donna ballerinas as they crack jokes about us poor, honest working people... they think they're so eff-ing cool!  Wait til I get there, boy, I'll poop their little parties chop-chop, and make them all scatter for cover!  Read my lips:  I despise phony, effeminate little babies like that, and as your lord protector I pledge to take it upon myself to rehabilitate them... or else destroy them!  I'll do all that for you... and more!

ct-s-8 (174K) "Wait a minute, Charles," you're all probably asking right now... "won't these guys just kill you deader than dead, the way they do to all the brave idealists who try to stop their evil dirty dealings?"  No need to worry about that either, kids, because I will form a huge, unsuppressable not-so-secret society of highly intelligent, highly moralistic, highly altruistic people who think just the same way I think, but are at present too fragmented to be an effective force for change -- I'm talking about the brightest minds in the world, people who really know what they're doing when it comes to things like history (so we won't keep making the same mistakes over and over again), economics, political/governmental methods and tactics, environmental matters, scientific advances (useful ones, not stupid soulless Orwellian "implant" inventions and schemes), beneficial social programming, military preparedness... actually, we won't need to waste a lot of money on the military, since there will be practically no wars occuring after I start running things (instead, we'll put all those young people who are unsure of their futures to work, doing better and more useful things than killing innocent people).  So if (when) they kill me off, another Charles will just step up to take my place!  Eventually we'll get all those hired assassin goons under control, that way all of us good people will be able to forge a utopian world without anyone having to worry about any goons killing us off one by one, and evil stuff like that.  Eureka!

These not-so-secret society members will be richly compensated for their noble efforts, why?  Because it will be cheaper for you taxpayers to cough up a little bit of cash to pay their salaries (and my funeral) than to go on losing your life savings to a bunch of greedy, Satanic "invisible man" society-corrupting assholes who do nothing but ruin everything that's good in life (like classic rock and movies) and make you work 'til you drop dead while stealing the fruits of all your hard labors!  And also, make no mistake:  these clowns don't know shit from shine-ola about how to shape a Utopian Society!  In fact, they will probably destroy the world if we let them, by polluting the environment to death, or by spreading evil man-made diseases, or by instigating biological or nuclear warfare because they're such a bunch of demented, dumbshit morons!  THEY MUST BE STOPPED, BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE TO STOP THEM!

ct-s-5 (153K) And Charles is just the man to stop them.  Why?  Because Charles is the ultimate mediator of conflicts and disagreements, that's why!  You want to know what's wrong with this world, it's the extremist assholes who won't sit down and sort out their differences in a calm, sane, adult manner!  What we basically have here is a sociopolitical-ideological battlefield, that's what this entire planet is!  The mean repressed homophobes hate the swishy fag exhibitionists, the religious-right anti-abortionists hate the liberal atheist sinners and want to "save" them from their sinning selves, the heavy-metal punk rock geeks hate the cool classic rockers that have a little bit of taste and class (like Charles) and want to kill them, the corrupt bought-off democrats hate the uptight, murderous republicans and want to kill them, man I tell you it just never ends!  Thusly, we need leaders who can make all these assholes just calm down, shut the eff up and work out a compromise to their idiotic arguments... leaders like Charles!  Charles will consider everyone's point of view, then over-rule everything to make the right decisions, as only he can!  Charles is, quite simply, the best man for the job!  Charles is unique!  Charles is sublime!  Everybody likes him!  Except for the people that hate him!  Everybody's talking, and it's all about Charles, Charles, Charles!  Charles is the alpha, the omega, the ultima - he is supremely objective, perfectly even-handed!  And should any jerk idiots try to subvert his utopian concepts of goodness by arguing with him, Charles will quite simply just nuke them to oblivion!  That's right, just throw 'em in that microwave and nuke 'em on "high!"  Its gonna' be like:  scat cat, and that's that, ha ha! 

Hmmm... wait a sec... all that might be a bit counter-productive... ok, perhaps I'll tolerate a little bit of dissent here and there, maybe keep a little bicameral system of checks and balances... just a little, maybe, but nothing unrealistic that Satanists could use to confuse the issues and impede what needs to be done, like they do today.  After all, a healthy, thriving nation needs a little bit of governing, right?  No problem there, when people like Charles are in charge of seeing to who is most qualified and deserves to be whatever.  However, nobody need worry about nepotism... George Washington refused to start an American ruling dynasty, and so will Charles!  All successors to Charles' throne will be freely elected on their merits... best man (or woman, of course) for the job.  And as for the Satanists, well, they may think they're invincible because they're so adept at using the ignorance and confusion of the world to divide all people and control them, but.. um... but... hmmm...

ct-down (134K)

Hmmm... perhaps making Charles M.L.O.T.E.W. is too large of a project in scope to start out with;  let's take a few minutes to think about this a little more... hmmm...

Ok, then, let's just switch to Plan B.  Let's make Charles President of the United States first, then we can go on from there... yeah, that might be easier to do. 

ct-s-1 (186K)

Yay!  Charles for POTUS, 2020! 

Let's do it, let's go!  Ok, let's see, what do I need to do to run... oh, I have to be a U.S. citizen, no problem with that!  Charles is a fourth-generation American (whose original birth certificate is being disputed;  the SS-DG's and IWM that make up the SYNTH [see Combo Page for Lexicon] may even kick him out of his own country of birth, like they're doing to a lot of other natural born citizens they don't like, ahem). 

Ok, What next then?  Oh, I have to be older than 36 years... no problem there either, Charles is 100 years old, and possesses all the wisdom of the ages.  Oh, and I gotta' submit my application before the primaries start in March... I'd better get going, or I might miss them.  Ok, what else?  Oh, I need to pay a thousand dollar application fee...

WHAT THE EFF?  Where the eff is Charles going to get a thousand gawdamned effing dollars, what is this fuh [bleep!  censored!] crap?  Who made up this effing rule, I'll...  ok, calm down Charles.  Let's figure this out...

Someone's going to have to loan me a thou, who can I tap for a small short-term loan?  My bank!  No, no, my credit's no good... hmmm, how about I take out a loan on my car?  Oh, I forgot, I fried my car. 

Nix that one.  Hmmm, who will lend Charles a thousand, to save the world from imminent disaster?  Somebody will, I'm sure... just have to think this out a little... hmmm...

Hmmm... how about... naw, he'd never... well then, there's always... no, she wouldn't trust me to pay her back either, wait... I better... uh, hold on a minute... hmmm...


Oh well, maybe I'm setting my sights a little too high, there.  Hmmm... perhaps I need to tone down my rhetoric a little bit, until I can get some funding... maybe I should just give it up, quite the whole eff-ing thing, get out of the race altogether... 

Hmmm... should I just give up, and stop trying to save the planet from itself?


Charles for POTUS, 2024! 

ct-up-1-s (155K)

HA HA HA!  Bye bye, you little droogs!

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Text Copyright 2020 by Charles Adrian Trevino.   Please remember to always utilize your right to vote... together we can all make a change for the better!   Right!   This is